Stolarija / Joinery
Ostaje Vam užitak pri samom pogledu na harmoniju subliminalne ljepote i rafiniranog ukusa, ostaje Vam pogled koji dočarava onu intuitivnu povezanost modernog čovjeka s prirodnim i iskonskim. Ostaje Vam da svoj pogled ne "skidate" s uprizorene bajkovite pozornice, kao s pejzaža na umjetničkom platnu nekog glasovitog slikarskog majstora.
What remains is for you to be filled with joy at the very sight of the harmony of subliminal beauty and refined taste. What remains is the view depicting the intuitive bond of modern man with nature and the primordial times. What remains is for you to be amazed so as not to be able to take your eyes off the fairytale-like stage, like the landscape on the canvas of a famous painter.